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rt-ksa     (Retweet Networks)

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This network is in the collection of Retweet Networks

Visualize rt-ksa's link structure and discover valuable insights using our interactive graph visualization platform. Compare with hundreds of other networks across many different collections and types.


CategorySparse Network
CollectionRetweet network
ShortTwitter retweet network
Vertex typeUser
Edge typeRetweet
Edge weightsUnweighted
DescriptionNodes are twitter users and edges are retweets. These were collected from various social and political hashtags.

Please cite the following if you use the data:

     title={The Network Data Repository with Interactive Graph Analytics and Visualization},
     author={Ryan A. Rossi and Nesreen K. Ahmed},
     booktitle={Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},

Note that if you transform/preprocess the data, please consider sharing the data by uploading it along with the details on the transformation and reference to any published materials using it.

     title={What if CLIQUE were fast? Maximum Cliques in Information Networks and Strong Components in Temporal Networks},
     author={Ryan A. Rossi and David F. Gleich and Assefaw H. Gebremedhin and Mostofa A. Patwary},
     journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.5802},

     title={Fast Maximum Clique Algorithms for Large Graphs},
     author={Ryan A. Rossi and David F. Gleich and Assefaw H. Gebremedhin and Mostofa A. Patwary},
     booktitle={Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW)},

     title={Information Diffusion Research at Indiana University},
     note={{\url{http://truthy.indiana.edu/}}. Accessed 10/20/12.}}

Network Statistics

Maximum degree1.5K
Minimum degree1
Average degree2
Number of triangles660
Average number of triangles0
Maximum number of triangles124
Average clustering coefficient0.017137
Fraction of closed triangles0.000260693
Maximum k-core7
Lower bound of Maximum Clique5

Data Preview

Interactive visualization of rt_ksa's graph structure

Interactively explore the networks graph structure!

  • Use mouse wheel to zoom in/out
  • Mouseover nodes to see their degree
  • Drag network to see more details


Interactive Visualization of Node-level Properties and Statistics

Tools for Interactive Exploration of Node-level Statistics

Visualize and interactively explore rt-ksa and its important node-level statistics!

  • Each point represents a node (vertex) in the graph.
  • A subset of interesting nodes may be selected and their properties may be visualized across all node-level statistics. To select a subset of nodes, hold down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse in any direction until the nodes of interest are highlighted.This feature allows users to explore and analyze various subsets of nodes and their important interesting statistics and properties to gain insights into the graph data
  • Zoom in/out on the visualization you created at any point by using the buttons below on the left.
  • Once a subset of interesting nodes are selected, the user may further analyze by selecting and drilling down on any of the interesting properties using the left menu below.
  • We also have tools for interactively visualizing, comparing, and exploring the graph-level properties and statistics.
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Please login or join the community to leverage the many other tools and features available in our interactive graph analytics platform.

Interactive Visualization of Node-level Feature Distributions

Node-level Feature Distributions

degree distribution


degree CDF


degree CCDF


kcore distribution


kcore CDF


kcore CCDF


triangle distribution


triangle CDF


triangle CCDF


All visualizations and analytics are interactive and flexible for exploratory analysis and data mining in real-time and include the following features:

  • Degree, k-core, triangles, and triangle-core distributions. We include plots for each of the fundamental graph features and counts of the number with a particular property (i.e., number of nodes that form k triangles or have degree k, etc.)
  • We also include the CDF and CCDF distributions for each graph in the collection.
  • All visualizations and plots are zoomable. One may zoom-in or out on the data visualization using scrolling.
  • Panning. Users may also click anywhere on the plot and move the mouse in any direction to pan.
  • Adjust scale and other application dependent-parameters. All interactive visualizations may adjust the scale which is particularly important in certain types of graph data that contain highly skewed graph properties (power-lawed graphs and/or networks) such as degree distribution.

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